Those you like to learn more about our travel from Germany to the US please switch to the German section of Routes to the Roots
Research and Travel is a privately run research institute, cultural agency and specialized tour operator and has become Germany's leading initiative in heritage travel. The company has been founded as early as September 1996 by Dr. Wolfgang Grams, then professor and entrepreneur at Oldenburg University and is known and protected as Routes to the Roots in Germany and in the European Union. Please see a detailed portrait of Dr. Grams, his activities, projects and travels, lern about services in research and travel and share memorable moments of recent tours in a variety of pictures.
Kind regards to everybody and welcome to Germany
Research and Travel
Dr. Wolfgang Grams
Babenend 127, 26127 Oldenburg, Germany
Pho: +49 441 9620433
Cell: +49 151 5785 3424
Those you like to learn more about our travel from Germany to the US please switch to the German section of Routes to the Roots
Copyright | Research and Travel, Dr. Grams
Babenend 127, 26127 Oldenburg, Germany